Knights of Columbus
St. Monica Council, #16144
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's organization working to support the Church in our world. The
official KofC website is an
excellant resource to learn more about this worldwide movement.
Our council was established in 2015, and has since been able to contribute to the St. Monica's community through multiple projects:
- Annual baby bottle fund-raising drives for the Legacy of Life Foundation.
- Donations to parish organizations to support their annual programs.
- St. Edmund's grounds clean-up (Spring and Fall).
- Various maintenance tasks, including repainting the wrought iron fence at St. Monica's. (No small task!)
- Recorded weekly mass and distributed during COVID.
- Tech Support for digitizing the parish's facilities calendar, and providing help to modernize.
- Sponsoring after-mass coffee & donut socials.
There is always more work to be done in the service of our Church and community.
Our council is actively accepting new members. If you are interested in learning more about our mission, or joining our council, please contact us.
We would love to hear from you, and get your help in increasing the positive impact we can make in our community!